Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Roosevelt Academy

Wow, it has been a while... For almost 4 months I did not post anything on this blog. I'm sorry for those who I disappointed (perhaps) by not posting anything, and I really would like to say that I'll post here more often, but I know myself too well: I probably won't be able to keep that promise.

However, not because I have got enough time on my hands, but I just wanted to procrastinate a little bit, here is a new post of yours sincerely.

As some of you might have read in my previous post, I had no clue what to do from September, 2010. Well, a little late but just in time, I got accepted into the Roosevelt Academy, and decided to go study there. The Roosevelt Academy is an International, university-level academy; which is located in Zeeland, the Netherlands, and is linked to the University of Utrecht. But before I get too advertistic (creative, huh?), I'll just point out the website of RA (www.roac.nl), so that I don't have to explain why it rocks.

This post is but yet again about music. I find that music is the easiest to talk about, because I know what I like, and I know why I like it. Sounds fair enough, right?

For this post, I'll discuss Linkin Park, which was my number one band when I was a little younger. Nowadays I still listen to them, because I really like the mix between Rap and Rock, two styles I am quite fond of. Perhaps some of you know the albums Linkin Park brought out so far, such as Hybrid Theory, Meteora and Minutes to Midnight, and recently even A Thousand Suns. Besides these albums Linkin Park has brought out some other albums, one of which is a 'collab-album'. It is the album called 'Reanimation' (2002). It's an album with remixes from a lot of their most well-known songs, with other artists.
The cool thing about this album is though, that they didn't 'just' make remixes of their old songs, but they really made them as new, by adding more rap, in the form of other artists, who aren't that well-known (for all I know). And on top of that, a lot of lyrics are based on the original lyrics, but they are not the same. This is probably best illustrated by putting the two lyrics next to each other. So here's 'In the end' (Meteora) vs. 'Enth E. End' (Reanimation). Note: It opens in the same tab, so after reading it, come back!

Interesting huh? And very admirable, because it is hard to write lyrics in the first place (in my opinion). Well, if you like such lyrical creativity, you should definitely check out reanimation, and all the non-remixed versions of the songs on that album as well. For extra points, compare them and get back to me! ;)

On purpose I didn't really say anything about their newest album, because I haven't listened to it that well yet, and there's probably a lot of information to find about it lingering somewhere on the interwebs. I'll just say that the album is really worth it to listen to, even if you detest Linkin Park because some of their former (metal/rock-ish) songs. They really changed their sound for this album (Damn, that sounds cliche, but it's true!), and it kinda still rocks! Especially the song 'Robot Boy', a song for when you're relaxing, laid back.

For now, I'll just leave you guys with one last comment:

I will really try to update more often!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Chillin’ out, maxing, relaxing, all cool.

I felt weird last sunday evening. After a long conversation about my future (which is starting this September), I knew I had to hurry up and focus on my choice of studies. Because, truth be told, I still don’t know what to choose. To ease my troubled mind (…I left my body lying somewhere in the sands of time), I wanted to play some relaxing music, which would fit the way I felt. So that is what I did, and I came up with this cool list of “Limune’s-Chillin’Out-Maxing-Relaxing-AllCool-Music”. It became a pretty weird list, with music from several genres, but they all share a good lounge/relaxing-vibe, probably even when you do not understand the lyrics, which is the case with Akeboshi, and some Dutch music, assuming you’re not from Holland. This list isn’t definitive, because I could fit a lot more music into it if I had the time and will to do so.

Link: http://www.youtube.com/user/limune#g/c/F561EE5F60CF059A

And I know I haven’t posted anything in a month or so, so I will definitely try to post more often. But in my defence, I have been working a lot, and I’m finally putting enough time into the figuring-out-what-to-do-part. So perhaps that is what my next post will be about as well!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Law Abiding Citizen and some Music

Reading my title, I immediately thought of the titel of the film "Pride and Prejudice..... and Zombies". That is a real film (I am not shitting you), and it will be finished in 2011.

But although Pride and Prejudice and Zombies will be a very cool film (it has to be, with a name like that), I will talk about the film 'Law Abiding Citizen' (IMDB 7.2. And I won't spoil too much).
I saw this movie a couple of weeks ago, and I must say, this movie is one of the better ones I have seen lately. For example, I saw a small part of 'Shutter Island' (IMDB 8.1) , and it could not entertain me at all! Truth be told, I haven't watched the whole film yet, but I am not excited to watch the rest of the film.

But now unto 'Law Abiding Citizen' (LAC). For me, LAC belongs to the better Action/Thriller films. Because this is not some lame movie with Jean-Claude van Damme, or Steven Seagal, or a movie you just watch when you want to see some explosions and gunfire. No this is a movie in which (once) things get 'horrorish' to a point I almost did not want to watch, but didn't go too far. It stopped at the right moment. And for the thoughts behind the killing, they went beyond the usual action movie where someone wants revenge for something, and just kills everyone.

(SPOILER->) One thing that does bug me about this film, is that we never get to know why those men killed his wife and daughter. Why the fuck would they do that? Of course, the story is not about why they are killed, but still. Maybe some sort of open question, to squeeze a sequel out of it? I don't know, but I didn't like it. (<-SPOILER)

Oh and as a last comment on this: Jamie Foxx rocks, so that's also a plus.

The music that I wanted to write about is music from the Japanese 'Akeboshi'. I think all the Anime/Naruto fans will now go "Duh, that shit is off the hook" (or something like that), but I didn't come across Akeboshi until recently I saw on MSN that someone was listening his music. Well, to all who haven't listened his music yet: I can recommend Akeboshi. For when you're in a laidback mood, Akeboshi is the right artist for you. His Japanese English which you most of the time do understand (which is a miracle), and his Japanese lyrics which you probably don't understand, are both very nice to listen to. The piano, drums and other instruments (I believe a panflute as well) on top of that are creating the laidback atmosphere. 'Wind' (the Naruto themesong) and 'Night and Day' are one of my favourites right now, but his other songs are good as well.

Akeboshi - Wind:

Last but not least, if you have anything to say (Like/Didn't Like) on the subjects of Akeboshi, Jamie Foxx, Law Abiding Citizen, Shutter Island, or even Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, let me know in the comments!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

New Blog!

Listening to Smash Mouth (All Star), I am creating the first post of my new blog.
Reading this first sentence, you probably expect the next sentence will be something containing a bridge between 'All Star' and this blog. I am sorry to disappoint you, but that is not the case.
Although I like listening Smash Mouth, this first post is about my new blog. Gallimaufrian. I can almost hear you thinking "Who the F*ck thought of such a weird name". Well that was me. The guy who will be signing all posts on this blog.

Let me first tell you something about myself. I am signing these posts with the nickname "Limune", something I came up with when thinking of a new DJ name, based on the game Lumines. So yes, I have been a DJ in my spare time, but that is something I haven't done for half a year or so. I am still listening Electronic music in my spare time, and maybe will someday start this hobby again.
Besides Electronic music (Progressive, Electro and Normal House, Dubstep, Fidget, Electronica, etc.) I listen other kinds of music, including Rap, HipHop, Rock, Alternative, Alternative Rock, Dance, Oldies, Pop, R&B, Techno and even 'World' (Whatever that may be), according to my Itunes list. And besides listening, I also play the piano, occasionally compose some music in Sibelius 6 and sing. My other hobbies include Gaming, Chillin' with friends, Discussing a variety of topics, Reading and probably some other stuff as well.

I am not studying right now, because I just stopped my study "Industrial Design" at the University of Technology in Eindhoven (Don't quit reading yet, this isn't a nerdy Blog! Or is it? Guess you will have to find out yourself), and now I'm "In between studies". You probably already know I'm from the Netherlands, and if you didn't, now you do!

But why am I not using my own name? Well, that is because like the anonymity of the internet, and this way I cannot be stalked by crazy people. As a final and first word to all (ahum) my readers, I would like to say this:

Have fun reading my blog! I hope you like it, and comment if you will! (But no flaming or firstposters here. I will always be the almighty firstposter, and there's nothing you can do about it)